Friday, January 8, 2010

Where is Everything?

Every time I leave the house, he rearranges my things. I'll admit I leave too many things out in too many places, but there's a lot of stuff lying around and he only seems to concern himself with moving my stuff. He doesn't actually change the big picture in terms of stuff lying around, he just rearranges my piles of papers, magazines, saved things.
He also likes to rearrange the food in the refrigerator, lining up the milk bottles and such. If he has a hard time finding something in there, it's because it's not organized properly.
Yesterday he decided to move things around on the shelves in the pantry closet. Once again it was because he couldn't find something so he thought it all needed to be reorganized. Never mind that he doesn't cook, he doesn't shop and he doesn't really NEED to know where anything is, but I apparently don't put things on the shelves in an organized way so he needed to change things around.

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