Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Sounds I'd Like to Silence

I'll admit that sometimes I talk to myself. But never when anyone else is around. He, on the other hand, talks to himself constantly, to the point that I want to talk too, but what I want to say is SHUT UP! He talks to himself while doing the word puzzles in the paper in the morning, saying the questions and the answers out loud. He talks while watching television, and not like normal people who yell go team or whatever, but giving commentary during sports and answering the questions on quiz shows (I guess so we'll know how smart he is) or just making general comments about whatever's on to no one in particular. He walks around the house making sighing noises (what do those mean?) and occasionally utters an "okay" as if he's going down some mental checklist. The sounds don't stop when he gets in the car, either. If the radio's on, he starts tapping his fingers or whistling or humming along. I quickly turn the station to country where he's less likely to know the tune.

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