Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Grinch Yet Lives - and in My House!

I went to the living room to retrieve my Christmas presents the other day. They were gone! I searched throughout the house to see where he might have put them, thinking he'd just tired of them being in the living room and had put them away, which is something he routinely does if I leave things out past his expiration date. I couldn't find them anywhere so I was finally forced to ask him where they were. He'd returned them all to cash them in for the computer that he'd also bought me for Christmas. I was shocked. It's not like I was all that crazy about the other gifts - some pajamas, a steam cleaner... I can't remember even if there was anything else - but it was the IDEA that he'd just reclaim those gifts and return them without even consulting me. I thought maybe he hadn't really planned to get me the new computer and it came up last minute in consult with my oldest son, so I asked him and he said no - they'd discussed it before Christmas. So I must conclude that it was just another weird affliction caused by the Y chromosome that makes him think that something like that is ok to do.

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