Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hope You Never Lose Anything Over Here

The man needs a hobby. Other than annoying me. At work yesterday for 9 hours only to come home to my whole kitchen rearranged. Every pantry shelf had the food changed, the desk had all the papers moved and reorganized, the refrigerator had everything moved around... the shelves in the family room had been filled with stuff that doesn't go there, but he decided to just move things. The great part is that after he moves everything he can't remember where he's put anything. So if you ask him where something is that he most likely moved or put away recently he can't tell you. Of course YOU knew where it was before he moved it, but now it's lost. But wait - the best part is that it's YOUR fault! He will tell you that if only you'd put your things away where they were supposed to be he wouldn't have moved them or put them somewhere else. There's such a lecture involved in trying to get his help to find something that the kids hate to ask him to help find anything. Tonight my youngest son couldn't find his band instrument bag and a great search ensued. While searching there was interrogation - what's in the bag (shouldn't he know by now?), where was it last seen, how long has it been missing, what's he been doing in band without it? My son is learning the hard way - don't mention something's missing when Dad's around.

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